
Turf Irrigation Pipe

Centennial Plastics manufactures a wide variety of turf irrigation products used in many different climates, varying soil conditions, and geographic regions. We manufacture to NSF International Standard 14.


Manufactured for irrigation and water applications that require a reliable utility grade polyethylene pipe. Controlled inside diameter makes connections simple with a variety of insert fittings.

½" - 2" 80 - 100 PSI

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LLDPE Drip Tubing

Extremely flexible polyethylene tubing designed for all micro irrigation applications requiring the use of emitters.

1/2" - 1" Non-Pressure Rated

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CenFuse HDPE 4710

Fusible, NSF 14 certified Iron Pipe Size polyethylene pipe. Perfect for geothermal, golf irrigation, mining and industrial, oil and gas, and stock water applications requiring controlled outside diameter pipe. CenFuse carries a 50-year warranty.

¾" - 4" SDR 9 - 17
6" SDR 11 - 17
8" SDR 11, 15.5, 17
Other SDR's Available

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